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the Somali Labour Party

The world is experiencing phenomenal changes in different spheres of government and governance. And Somali has been part of the nations in this spirit of flux. This development gave birth to the Somali Labour Party (SLP) on 7th October 2011. A party that will inspire sweeping changes that will motivate development, create jobs and enhance the wellbeing of Somali citizenry exactly as Allah has disposed for humanity.
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The people's voice SLP

The future is bright with the Somali Labour Party

A new wave is on course

Somali Labour Party is here for the people

Our mission

The Somali Labour Party is driven to achieve the aforementioned objectives because of the inhumane experiences of poverty, rejection and degradation that Somalians have suffered through bad governance and/or natural disasters. These enemies of progress have brought unnecessary and preventable malnutrition and its attendant consequences of hunger, thirst, diseases, sicknesses and eventually myriads of debasing deaths. The deaths have decimated families, clans and various parts of the nation. Allah, the Almighty, did not create human beings to suffer what Somalians are passing through.

The biggest problem of Somalia 

There is no special gain stating that the biggest problem of 

Party goals

The goals of the party is to ensure 

The Somali Labour Party hereby invites all Somalis and the friends of the nation around the world to join it in building a veritable nation that disposes Somalia to integrate with other nations and contribute their quota to the progress of humanity. This clarion call demands enabling the Somali Labour Party to produce the next government and to generate the financial support it needs to make a difference in the lives of Somalians. 

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