
Trade and Commerce are the boosters and rollers of all produce and services within the variety of business as well as within the regional and international communities and for that purpose The Somali Labour Party as mentioned in its Constitution shall commit itself to the creation and establishment of modernly updated trade and commerce policy in order to stimulate and increase exchange of good and services for profit gains and for the country’s financial policy, which must be compatible and also positively directed to grow transparently.

Because of the sensitivity of the trade and commerce business the party shall develop stable, transparent, and strictly supervised trade and commerce policy to avoid negative consequences that may cause financial melt downs due to trade and commerce related violations, and for that purpose the party shall commit itself to protect trade and commerce industry, and shall encourage privately owned and operated business of trade and commerce as well as publicly shared ones but in all cases strict control and risk management from the party shall be a must.

In order to implement its trade and commerce policy The Somali Labour Party shall elaborate separate and joint policy that shall take care of all trade and commerce industry in comfortable and reliable ways, and shall commit itself to supervise transparently that policy through strict and accurate accountability of its implementation.

The following are the Labour Party Trade and Commerce Policy:

A) Trade and Commerce is a vital and important industry that stimulates and boosts exchange of goods and services with cash and financial titles, and makes easy the connection between all different industries, and that is why this party considers trade and Commerce industry as the most important elements of factors to the creation stable and safe and sane economy for all business groups as well as for the nation as whole.

B) The Somali Labour party shall commit itself to develop concrete and solid strategy to develop rules and regulation that will benefit all those in the trade and Commerce industry in order to facilitate for business to develop whether private or public so to promote and increase its quality and its profit generation that shall pave the road for the economy of the country to develop fast and safe.

C) The party shall mainly focus on privately owned and operated trade and Commerce industry from small, medium and large corporations, and shall establish clear rules and regulations in order to make sure this industry shall not cause economical damage because lack of transparency, corruption , and mismanagement of the trade and Commerce industry.

D) The Somali Labour party shall encourage Trade and Commerce by opening business opportunity and equal participation of all privately owned business enterprises of all sizes provided they act according the rules and norms that regulate the business, and for that purpose the party shall establish a joint Trade and Commerce Chamber composed by all stake holders Private, and Public.

E) Establish a National Chamber of Commerce with its members coming from all sectors of the trade and Commerce Industry, of course well selected through proper screening and evaluations regarding their past attitude of the business, their credibility within the business society as well as their back ground checks.

F) The Somali Chamber of Commerce shall be composed of 15 Members Council selected from all business group involved into trade and commerce activity of course the member shall not be nominated but democratically mandated by their Boards and Business partners. The Somali Labour Party shall allocate five seats to Women Group in the trade and Commerce Business to safe guard their rights within the country’s administration.

G) Shall encourage and assist trade and Commerce Institution work in a safe and sound environment, guarantee rights of the Chamber of Commerce Board Members and abide by the decisions as long as it is emanated according to the rules and regulations of the Country related to the development of a Trade and Commerce policy for Somalia.

H) The Somali Labour Party shall establish very clear policy owned jointly by all Somali and foreign partners in the Business of Trade and Commerce, and for that reason it shall appoint legal professionals with sole mandate to supervise legally and independently all Trade and Commerce activities, and report directly to the Ministry of Commerce if there are any legal violation so to give the Government the chances to know how the Industry is doing.

I) Shall commit itself to make sure all trade and Commerce activities are equally shared and participated by both private and public sectors, and to encourage a transparent and accountable Commerce and Trade Business for Somalis as well as for their foreign partners or share holders.

J) The Somali Labour Party shall commit itself to enact Clear and concise rules and regulation that shall pave the road for the re-establishment of The Somali Trade and Commerce Institutions that with clear mandates and concise procedure to follow and implement for the sake of the Country’s development in all business sectors.

K) Shall commit itself to call back former Somali foreign born former Trade and Commerce Partners, shall assist them regain their Status in the Business, guarantee them equal rights of participation and say in the development of the Somali Trade and Commerce Business.

L) In case of ownership or license expiration a specially appointed committee shall see and evaluate when did that expiration occurred if it was before 1990 or after 1990 , in both case the committee shall decide accordingly whether and extension or a revocation is applicable in the case that shall be compatible and in accordance with the Rule of Laws of the country that regulates Trade and Commerce industry cases.

M) Internal rules and regulations shall govern the Trade and Commerce Business in Somalia God will.
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